To read and replace content from Doc file, you can use PHPWord package and download this package using composer command:

composer require phpoffice/phpword 

1) Open document

$template = new \PhpOffice\PhpWord\TemplateProcessor('YOURDOCUMENTPATH');

2) Replace string variables for single

$template->setValue('variableName', 'MyVariableValue');

3) Replace string variables for multi occurrence

$template->cloneRow('arrayName', count($array));  

– Replace variable value

for($number = 0; $number < count($array); $number++) {
    $template->setValue('arrayName#'.($number+1), htmlspecialchars($array[$number], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'));

4) Save the changed document


You can pass limit as third parameter into $template->setValue($search, $replace, $limit) to specifies how many matches should take place.